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"A high performance life is just a series of state shifts"

- Dan Marston

Our training modules and webinars are a'la carte offerings we can provide live, in-person, or through webinar-based e-learning platforms to help individuals or teams live better, healthier, more impactful lives.  All facets of the human experience improve by learning these tools - at work and at home.  

The Neuroscience of Communication

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Learn how to communicate flawlessly, negotiate easily, and solve problems without triggering another person's nervous system. Techniques derived from cutting-edge neuroscience research.

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Learn the art and science of giving and receiving feedback using neuroscience and conscious communication techniques.  Create impact not injury, increase synergy, and maximize results! 

The Art and Science of Giving and Receiving Feedback

Activating the
Heart of Teams

Wellness Coach

Teams that work together, wire together.  Teams that are more coherent have higher performance and more harmony.  This workshop is a team intensive designed to help teams self regulate, and regulate together as ONE team.  

Empowering Accountability Through Neuroscience

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Learning and innovation are not possible without accountability, but as ego-based creatures, we naturally protect and defend.  This module helps teams create an accountability culture by utilizing neuroscience  - bypassing these defensive systems with mutuality, compassion, and a growth-mindset.  

Peak Performance:
Primer Series (I)

Sports Sweat

Learn high-performance routines and habits to get "in the zone" and stay there for longer periods of time.   Learn how to achieve Flow states and to maximize your personal energy with daily practices.  This module is designed to ignite action, renew, and increase vitality.  

How to Leverage
Wise Power

Herd of Elephants

Politics and Power cannot be divorced from social networks; using power wisely can transform teams generating higher performance and more harmony.  This module teaches the wise use of power evidenced in all hierarchical social systems, including animals.   

Peak Performance:
Professional Series (II)

Female Rock Climber

This immersion workshop is designed for elite athletes or high-potential leaders who choose to deepen into Peak Performance principles and rise to the next level.   The Professional Series is intense and is designed for participants that have successfully completed the Primary Series and have integrated practices into daily habits. 

Neuroscience of Change

Kneeling Astronaut

Change is constant, and when we resist it, we suffer.  Our brains are wired for efficiency and habit.   Almost 90% of our thoughts and behaviors are repeated daily.   Change requires turning change management models upside down: starting with the nervous system, rather than the pre-frontal cortex.   This module shows you how.  

Peak Performance:
Legacy Series (III)

Happy Hiking

Designed for Legendary impact, world-shapers, and system changers, this is the 3rd and final leg of the Peak Performance Series.  The Legacy Series is specifically designed for those that want to lead others to even better lives, more flow, more relationship harmony, and greater performance in all dimensions of life.   

Elevating Nutrition For High Performance Teams

Friends Eating Dinner

Many leaders struggle with finding a balance that sustains personal energy, focus, mood, and stamina.  Even with extensive coaching, leaders can't perform at their best due to nutritional deficiencies and imbalances in the gut biome.   This specialized module is a crash course on how to dramatically increase energy and stamina through nutrition.   

Team Flow


Teams that flow together, grow together.  Flow states create higher performance and more creativity.  Teams that learn these techniques to harmonize together report higher levels of satisfaction, commitment, rapport, and performance.  This workshop series is designed for intact or cross-functional teams.  

Mindfulness and Meditation | for Leaders and Teams


This module provides an introduction to mindfulness and meditation.   Participants will learn guided relaxation techniques, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices for daily life. This workshop is perfect for newly formed or existing teams, or leaders wanting to increase their personal capacity and effectiveness.  â€‹

Art of Inner Power & Resiliency

Tai Chi in Motion

When we cultivate our inner power, we create more harmony in our life.  This workshop help you identify when you are in "weakened" mindsets that can create chaos all around you.   When we are "in our power" we build and sustain more courage, certainty, presence, and resolve.  

Intro to the Indigenous Way

Native Drums

We are all connected.  The Sacred traditions understood this well.  The rituals and traditions of Indigenous people were used to harmonize community and tribe into synergy and connection.  Participants will learn the ancient teachings of our Indigenous elders - the ways of the wisdom keepers.  

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